Pedigree Reconstruction Tools (PRT)
PRT Version 2.22. Statistical software for the inference of sibling groups, in the absence of parental data. This is a stand-alone WINDOWS application and was created using Delphi IDE. See the following papers:
Almudevar A, Field C (1999) Estimation of single generation sibling relationships based on DNA markers. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics. 4:136-165.
Almudevar A (2001) A bootstrap assessment of variability in pedigree reconstruction based on DNA markers. Biometrics. 57:757-763.
Almudevar A, Anderson EC (2012) A new version of PRT software for sibling groups reconstruction with comments regarding several issues in the sibling reconstruction problem. Molecular Ecology Resources. 12(1):164-78.
PedApp Version 2.00. Statistical software for the inference of multigenerational pedigrees. This is a stand-alone WINDOWS application and was created using Delphi IDE. See the following papers:
Almudevar A (2003) A simulated annealing algorithm for maximum likelihood pedigree reconstruction. Theoretical Population Biology. 63:63-75.
Almudevar A (2007) A graphical approach to relatedness inference. Theoretical Population Biology. 71:213-229.
Almudevar A, Lacombe J (2012) On the choice of prior density for the Bayesian analysis of pedigree structure. Theoretical Population Biology. 81(2):131-143.
Almudevar A (2016) An information theoretic approach to pedigree reconstruction. Theoretical Population Biology. 107:52-64.